Saturday, April 28, 2007

Air Deccan plans foray into cargo services

Can a consumer hope to get seasonal fruits from far off production centres sooner than he does now, that too at a relatively lower cost?

That possibility appears imminent as the low cost domestic airliner, Air Deccan which set a trend in introducing the `no-frills' air travel three years ago is planning a repeat, this time in offering low cost cargo services by taking advantage of its fast growing network of air services linking regional airports.

The Bangalore-based airline is poised to enter into domestic cargo services shortly. To facilitate this the board of Air Deccan has already approved floating a new subsidiary that would run a low cost domestic air cargo services, according to Air Deccan officials.

Indications are that the new service from the airline will take off within a month or so.

"We are actively strategising to begin low cost cargo operations with the conviction that transporting apples from Kashmir to Chennai at a lowest possible cost will give a much needed boost to our primary economy,' an Air Deccan communication has said.

Air Deccan's proposed entry into freight service is backed by the projected market outlook, as the growth for dedicated air freight service, as projected by Airbus Industries' survey, is expected to go up from the present eight to 165 services a day by 2026. Going by the demand surge for air cargo service, the Civil Aviation Ministry itself has estimated the country's need for dedicated cargo plane to touch 500 in 10 years' time.

In the meantime, the low cost airlines' agenda of widening its air network to cover more tier-2 cities of economic and historic/cultural importance is expected to get further boost as Air Deccan is to soon launch flights linking Bodhgaya and Jamshedpur to Kolkata, Ludhiana and Kangra to Delhi and new long sector flight connectivity between Chennai and Jammu (via Madurai) and Kolkata and Jaipur (via Delhi). The airline is also planning to link Salem in Tamil Nadu with Bangalore, the closest metro airport, which can happen much before its proposal to run flight service from Chennai to Salem.

Coimbatore, among the earliest regional airports to attract Air Deccan has turned out to be its strong forte with the airline flying approximately 35,000 passengers to and from the city every month and it runs 15 flights daily. Its daily flights linking Coimbatore with Mumbai and Chennai run with a passenger complements at 80 per cent and above.

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